Monday, May 16, 2011


Earlier this week I wrote a post that was a bit dark and depressing. I didn’t post it, because whenever I write those posts I like to sit on them for a few days before sharing with the internet. The gist of the post was that I was feeling like a failure as an adult. Once again I had been subjected to the opinion of someone who doesn’t understand my job. The idea that because I teach preschool, I don’t really teach, makes me crazy. Part of what I originally wrote was…
“In college, I was idealistic. I was convinced that I was going to become this fantastic teacher and I was going to inspire the next generations to pinnacles of success. I would arouse the interest of future history makers with my stories of the history makers of the past. I would never doubt the mark I was leaving on the future, because I would be able to see it in the eyes of my students.
Instead, I teach skills so basic most people don’t even realize they’re learned behaviors. I teach children to use the toilet. I teach them to wash their hands, a skill most of them won’t even hold onto anyway, if restaurant behavior means anything. I teach them not to pick their noses, to use silverware instead of their hands at the table, when to yell and when to speak gently.”
Then I rambled morosely for several paragraphs before ending with a challenge to myself. “I just wrote an assessment of a three year-old I could have written about myself, ‘She knows her strengths, but avoids activities that challenge or will allow for growth’. I need to find a way to challenge myself.” All I really needed out of that post was the final line. I need to find a way to challenge myself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Yeah... I remember getting comments like that. "Oh, you work day care?" "Oh, you babysit all day?" Ummm... no. Day care would mean I take care of days. And I don't. I take care of CHILDREN. And if you haven't noticed lately, CHILDREN are our FUTURE. And I'm so right there with you... we teach them basic life skills that only parents have to think about. I remember being so frustrated because my sister was teaching 5th grade, and I was teaching preschool. I had to tie shoes, clean up potty accidents, clean up other random messes, comfort cryers, etc... My sister had to teach math, social studies, etc... which to me, would have it's challenges... but hello? Try teaching a child things when he/she is only 3. I think you have a very important job. And I'm sorry somebody (or somebodies) is being rude.
