Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Adventures in Internet Dating- Messaging

Oh! Fun!  My profile has been posted for five minutes and I already have a message.  I exchange messages for a while with “GuitarGuy”.  We even end up using our site’s version of chat.  He tells me that he’s not looking to hook up, that he wants to meet his “special someone” and he seems like he’s in a hurry to do so because he asks me to text him so we can hang out the next day.  Well.  That seems fast.  But I have a rule, so I agree. 

And then I never hear from him again.
Until a few weeks later when he once again messages me out of the blue as if we’ve never talked.  He again tells me that he’s looking for his “special someone” and asks what I’m looking for.  I break rule number two (respond to every message) and don’t respond.
I remind myself that I was looking for good stories and figure this is a pretty decent one.  But hopefully all the effort writing a profile, and all the time spend answering multiple choice questions, viewing stranger's profiles and responding to every message I get will result in a better story next time.

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