Tuesday, October 25, 2011

HAHAHA **Maniacal Laughter**

Remember when I said that I was putting my life in order and scheduling things? Whoa boy, that one was funny huh? I should have known that I was cursing myself by SAYING that I had a plan and was going to "hit the play button" on my life. Do you also remember that I wrote that my mom was going to be kicking me out of my house, but that I didn't think a date had been set? Well it was set, about two weeks ago. That date is Sunday. As in, I got two weeks to pack, find a place to live, and move. Two weeks. Moving sucks, but moving with two weeks notice sucks even harder.
Thankfully a friend of mine has agreed to allow me to rent a room from her. So I have somewhere to live. I still have to rent a storage unit (I'm afraid of scaring her with how much stuff I have!). I have to find some people who will help me move. Here's some solid advice from me to you, if you have any choice about when you're going to move, don't move during football season, all the men are watching football and you'll have to move alone.
I will tell you more things. I will tell them to you when I'm done moving and I'm settled in. In the meantime, please forgive my lack of updates.

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